Last week I found myself removing the snow from my garden with a wheelbarrow!
I love snow, but at the proper time. Just this morning I told the snowbirds it was time for them to head north. The need to dig in the dirt seemed stronger this year. We've been living in a black and white winter world for too many months and I longed to bring vibrant color into the yard.
Spring container gardens are a wonderful way to bring colorful blooms to your home and a fabulous way to show off your creativity if you choose to build them yourself. Any local garden center will help you select the right flowers for your space. I'd recommend that you bring your container with you as it will be easier to plan for the proper amount of space. You may also ask for guidance about timing. Make sure you don't plant anything too soon for your area.
Be as creative as you'd like but make sure your container garden drains properly. In this case, the basket was lined but holes were poked for proper drainage. |
Pussy Willows may root if planted in sandy soil. Make sure to keep them moist. |
Pansies are an early favorite in the chilly Northeast. |
My helper. |
Group several different kinds of containers together. |
Keep these boots together at the doorstep or separate them for more coverage. Smaller boots make wonderful centerpieces too! |
Another helper although he appears to be distracted by the basket and the sunshine. |
Of course I love the container garden on the old granite step! |
Now go look through your garage; I'm sure you'll find something you can use for a creative container garden!
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